Cloud Eagles Coming to Beia! New Tamable Battle Pet | Utopia:Origin

As every player waits for the new update regarding the floating islands of beia, summer had release more sneak peeks for the new battle pets that will inhabit the floating islands together with the sky rays. The cloud eagle looks fierce and most of his feathers are jet black. The head, wings and tail are blue, purple and white gradients.

Utopia Origin Cloud Eagle

JGuidemaster believe cloud eagles will be one of the common creatures you can find in the floating islands together with the sky rays. Then the Big Cloud Eagle will be the rare creatures in the floating island!

Utopia Origin Cloud Eagle

It will keep dancing its strong and powerful wings. sharp beak and claws are extremely sharp, eyes are always alert to the surroundings, come close to it and you will be attacked! It has majestic body, sharp beak and claws it must be an expert in combat, and Cloud Eagles can definitely help you in your adventure!

Utopia Origin Eagle

And here it is! Have a look at the attack animation, not so impressed but just fine. Would be alot better if there is some air thrust animation making it look more fiercer.

Utopia Origin Eagle

And of course, there gonna be a bigger version just like what we currently have in beia, a rare Big Cloud Eagle! It looks a lot better with some color enhancement and more gradient feels in its design!

Utopia Origin Cloud Eagle

Big Cloud Eagle is larger than Cloud Eagle, with richer feathers, white stripes on its wings, and blue-purple gradient. And of course, expect that the Big Cloud Eagle's attacks are better than the small cloud eagles!

The big's eagle main difference from the small eagles is its size and its gradient feathers making it look more majestic and better especially making it more noticable by the players. Unfortunately eagles share the same animation for attacking.

Utopia Origin Cloud Eagle

This will be released together with the floating island and the sky rays of which we can consider as a big update. The data and images here may not fully represent the final product and is still under developer's decision. Changes may be applied and may not fully reflect what is shown here.

Utopia Origin Cloud Eagle

Update may also be delayed in the official global server. The data here is based on Chinese server. Let's all wait and be excited in the future updates! This post will be posted as Banner in Beia Master with the thumbnail5.


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