How to Merge White Tiger Evolution 6! Utopia:Origin

White tiger is the newest merge pet in Beia! Could also be the coolest looking pet currently available in the game. In order to merge white tiger we will need mainly tigers; Sabertooth and Rockfire Sabertooths. Let's find out how to merge it smoothly and reach initial quality to enable Evolution up to 6th Grade Evolution!

Utopia Origin White Tiger

Oh also, the above image is just a creative illustration of the white tiger, in-game effects are merely electric effects and no way represents just like in the image. Let's now proceed and learn what are the requirmements in merging White Tiger!

╼ Merging Requirements ╾

You'll only need five pets in total! However, it may take time as you'll need to meet the minimum quality of the pets before merging. Just make sure follow this guide and learn how to merge the newest merge pet in Beia "White Tiger".

Qty. Monster Feed Recipe Location
2 Sabertooth Crawfish + Raw Steak + Meat Feed Rainforests
1 King Sabertooth Crawfish + Raw Steak + Quality Meat Feed Rainforests
1 Rockfire Sabertooth Large Scallop Feed + Rare Meat Feed + Quality Meat Feed Lalu Volcano
1 King Rockfire Sabertooth Large Scallop Feed + Rare Meat Feed + Uncommon Meat Feed Lalu Volcano

In nature, sabertooths are the foundation of the White Tiger, so it is common for the merging process to only include tigers and sabertooths! Check out where to find these sabertooths in the details below!

╼ Monsters Locations: Map ╾

Here is a spot preview where the king type monsters resides. This is a map preview from Beia Master App. You can learn more here. Based on the image below, Beia is rich in various tiger pets and it is evident enough as they inhibits different islands and mainly around rainforests and lalu volcano.

Utopia Origin White Tiger

Sabertooths also inhibits the rainforests on the western side of Beia, But I recommend hunting here as the Old Platinum Island is rarely visited and camped by other players. You'll always be free where to tame and hunt these creatures. Good luck!

╼ Merging Pet Quality ╾

Here's a tip, always check trading house to get the most affordable deal, try to check the pet feed's price compared to those that was already tamed. Maybe get a great deal in the Trading House compared to taming it yourself with a risk of getting low stats pet.

Level Monster HP Factor Attack Factor
40 Sabertooth 3.0+ 1.5+
45 King Sabertooth 3.1+ 1.6+
50 Rockfire Sabertooth 3.0+ 1.5+
55 King Rockfire Sabertooth 3.0+ 1.6+

It may not be recommended to get the highest possible stats of the monsters since we don't exactly know how the stats are calculated. Sometimes even we use high stats monsters, the merged pet stats can be lower than expected.

White Tiger Sabertooth
We can always use a bit lower than the recommended just make sure that you somehow balances the stats with the other factor. In this example I used a bit lower ATK factor but compensates with HP factor.

╼ Merging Process ╾

Check out the stages of the merging process so you better know about the White Tiger and its progress as it merges into a better and more fiercer creature in Beia! From rock to crystal to evil to White Tiger!

Stage Process Output
1 Sabertooth + Sabertooth Rock Tiger
2 Rock Tiger + King Sabertooth Crystal Tiger
3 Crystal Tiger + Rockfire Sabertooth Evil Tiger
4 Evil Tiger + King Rockfire Sabertooth White Tiger

This White Tiger definitely looks so cool and an eye-catching battle pet in the game! Be sure to follow the instructions and the recommended pet qualities to higher the chance of getting a 6th grade evolution White Tiger!

╼ Mutations Chance Rate ╾

If you think the only hard thing about merging is the pet stats, well you've got it wrong! Mutations are unfortunate possibility that your pets will be abnormal and cannot be further merged until repaired. But mutation is the key for getting high stats merged White Tiger.

Stage Process Mutation Odds
1 Sabertooth + Sabertooth 0%
2 Rock Tiger + King Sabertooth 32%
3 Crystal Tiger + Rockfire Sabertooth 32%
4 Evil Tiger + King Rockfire Sabertooth 32%

If your merged pet happened to be mutated, you will specific stones or often refered as extractor to repair the pet! Mutations may happen at proceeding stages so you might also need to invest in buying repair stones as 32% is a huge chance for your pet to be mutated.

╼ Merging Process: Video ╾

In this video by melinda melin, it can be seen that even if not using the highest stats of each monster requirements he/she managed to merge a high stats White Tiger all thanks to mutation.

So, some may find mutation as a bad thing for needing an extra cost for reparing the pet and some may also find it good for giving higher chance of their pet having higher stats and saving their whole investment.

╼ Merge Stones ╾

This new merged pet follows the same amount of merge stones needed by the common 4 stages merging, you'll need exactly 30 merge stones to fully merge all the pets you've tamed and turn it into a "Blank".

Stage Process Merge Stones Required
1 Sabertooth + Sabertooth 2
2 Rock Tiger + King Sabertooth 4
3 Crystal Tiger + Rockfire Sabertooth 8
4 Evil Tiger + King Rockfire Sabertooth 16

You can easily get merge stones from various ways, but also check trading house! Its super cheap so you don't need worry about the huge cost of merging these pets!

╼ Merging Process: Basis Video ╾

Here is another merging basis in which he/she merged three different base stats of the required monsters. This video from CHILL G can act as your guide in formulating your minimum or highest stats White Tiger attempt.

If you're kind of pro in mergining pet then you'll be fine in balancing pet stats, but if you're a beginner I do recommend to heavily follow the recommendations above to get the highest chance of gettings evo6 White Tiger.

╼ White Tiger Skill: Advance Lashes ╾

White Tiger's skill is what makes it powerful and be the current most expensive pet for PvP! Advance lashes, hits an enemy 3 times and causes bleeding over time. Check this highlight video how powerful this skill's potential is.

This skill is definitely the main damage burst of White Tiger, a consecutive damage dealing skill from it surely will make your enemies bleed their life to death. Just exagerations tho, normally enemies will still have plenty of life to go with.

╼ White Tiger: Evolution Process ╾

Evolving White Tiger can be quite expensive or can we say really expensive? The first to second evolution requires real money transaction in order to evolve. Making it a choice for other free to play not to buy Evo 6 White Tigers as they won't really be able to afford it.

White Tiger Merging

Just expect for its price to lower down for the suceeding months, it still new so please think carefully before rapidly consuming your wealth and merging one. Maybe wait for a little while for the demand to lower and then go invest on it.

╼ Evolution Process ╾

An advance pack is released in the shop to allow rich players to easily and instantly evolve their White Tiger 1-2 as other players are still gathering free advance fragments. However, this pack will sure cost money to start with.

Stage Requirements Cost
1 15 White Tiger Advance Fragments Advance Pack(840)
2 45 White Tiger Advance Fragments Advance Pack(840)
3 12 White Tiger Evolution Stone 1920 Credits
4 25 White Tiger Evolution Stone 4000 Credits
5 30 White Tiger Evolution Stone 4800 Credits
6 35 White Tiger Evolution Stone 5600 Credits
Total 60 Advance/120 Evolution Stone 17,160 Credits

That is a huge amount of money to spend with! But is it worth it to evolve? Let's check out the final 6th Evolution Skills and is it truly a powerful merge pet? Take note that you can still evolve 1-2 by buying in the Trading House or exchanging family coins to White Tiger Advance Fragments in the Hearth Shop.

╼ Evolution Grade Requirements ╾

Evolve Total Initial Quality Required
1 5389
2 5399
3 5477
4 5477
5 5477
6 5477

╼ Evolution Changes ╾

Here's a visual look on how the tiger changes and evolves as it further being fed by Evolution Stones! Only minor changes and especially the colors while gradually adding the certain effects that suggests a pet being an evolution and superior to other battle pets in Beia!

White Tiger Merging

Let's check out the abilities and skills White Tiger has! Maybe a powerful skill that will instantly kill an enemy? Or of course as a tiger it will pounce at the enemies and start their claw attacks?

╼ 6th Evolution: Skills ╾

White Tiger Skill Advanced Lashes
Advanced Lashes
Lashes at the enemy, causing 3 sections of damage and bleeding for few seconds.(Causes great damage).
White Tiger Skill Ultimate Windwalker
Ultimate Windwalker
Wind elemental protection increases the ATK speed and Movement speed of the White Tiger a lot. Attacks with a small chance of causing enemies to bleed.

It is important to know that both Advanced Lashes and Ultimate Windwalker's bleed effect will be inflicted. So the bleeding effect stacks up. Also, after evolving the merged pet, it can no longer be sold.


  1. Pet must Lvl Max or Only Cap for Merging? Is that Lvl will affect to Stat ?

  2. Initial stats don't change by level it's stats like 3.1 attack stays the sane no matter the level but increases in power eg 1 attack power lvl 1 is 10 and 1 attack power at level 10 is 20


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