All New Pet Feed Recipes! Floating Island Creatures | Utopia:Origin

Since we're all excited for the upcoming big update, here are the significant data especially pet feed for a specific new creature! There will be new materials and ingredients so you might get confused.

Utopia Origin New Pet Feed Recipes

Please take note that some other ingredients are still unknown especially their names to be released in global server. So I may only talk about the existing ingredients in Beia at the moment.

Utopia Origin Cloud Eagle Pet Feed

Here's the new battle pet cloud eagles! There will be a small and big cloud eagles, the big cloud eagle will need a rare meat feed and quality meat feed for the smaller one. The new items are easily obtainable from picking up resources in the floating island.

Also carefully check at its wing to identify which one is the big cloud eagle, you can easily spot a more colorful purple gradient in its wings and neck area.

Utopia Origin Magic Dragon Pet Feed

These new cute dragons will mainly need an expensive blue lotus feed! Together with a king crab for the bigger dragon and hairy crab for the smaller dragon. You'll also need a new purple apple which you can get by chopping trees that can be found in the new floating islands!

And oh yeah, if you're confused the bigger magic dragon is the one with the purple feet. The smaller dragon is the one with the blue feet.

Utopia Origin New Pet Feed

Here's more recipes for the sky rays and the alpine sheep. The only easy obtainable item here is the soy bean feed. Not yet sure about the other ingredients but they'll sure be found in the new floating islands!

Utopia Origin Celestial Magic Dragon Pet Feed

And ultimately the newest world boss in Beia! Rays will sure cost too much for common adventurers to gather, but the new material will sure be expensive more than the corals and dragon grass. I'd honesly will never be able to tame this behemoth. What about you? Are you planning to tame it? As a battle pet or as a mount?


  1. I'm gonna tame the eagles first, probably the easiest new creature to tame.

    1. Hey Jham its me jackson
      Am also going for the eagle first and also im curious with that goat thing 😍

    2. Hi HavocJD, yeahh the capricorn looking goat is only for mount, and eagle are the easiest to tame.

  2. Hi jham well i guest i will try to get the behemoth, wish me luck

  3. Hi, I was wondering if you knew how many feed to tame the new pets and mounts?


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