Real Mini Pool is Coming to Beia! Safety Fishing | Utopia:Origin
I know you've been wanting a real pool somewhere in your place! And a bath tub is not enough for your enjoyment to last. Introducing the new mini pool that you'll use soon for enjoyement and fishing? This new pool can be configured to be a shallow and deep pool! Awesome right? Just make sure to place it on the first floor to enable shallow mode and lets you walk over it! But not sure if you still would call it a pool if its too shallow? Take note that you will need a mini pool plan that you can get from drift bottles! You will need so much resources to build one... It is awesome enough that you can probably creatively blend its color with the hearth design to make it more natural! And the greatness just does not end there! This new mini pool will allow you to fish right inside your hearth! If you place your hearth nearby body of water, you will be able to catch fishes right at that spot! Safety fishing and no need to get fishing hearths! This new hearth facility will su...